Why is earth special???

Our planet known as earth is very special and it has a special spot in solar system. There are so many reasons -
-Sprawling continents
-Blue seas .
Is nearly limitless variety of ice cream flavors. But one earthly thing stand out above the rest: it's earthlings. Ours is the only planet currently known to harbor life. In fact, earth's unique combination of water, air and land nurtures lige if every sort, from microscopic amoebas to submarine size blue whale.

What condition on earth Mame it so favourable for life???? 
Earth's atmosphere is not only provides the right mix of breathable air for animals and plants, but it - combined with an oxygen rich ozon layer and the planets electromagnetic field-also act a force field against solar radiation and deadly space debris. The solar system's other planets are typically too hot or too cold to support liquid water but earth is just right. Oceans cover nearly 70 precent of the planets surface and are a source of the water vapour responsible for our weather. 

Why do we get OLD??

The again process is a real head scratcher for scientists. Healthy humans are capable of healing their injuries, recovering from illness, and replicating their cells again and again. Why can't this process continues forever?  Old age and death are hardly helpful to our species ' survival, after all. Scientists have studied nearly every type of animal -- from short lived flies to be defying flatworms to unravel this mystery.
According to the theory, our life Span is programmed into our DNA, which jump starts the again process once we are beyond our productive years. Scientists tinkering with the age related genes in some worms have been able to dramatically increase life spans.
Another theory holds that your cells have a sort of expiration date and can only  reproduce so many times. Some scientists believe that the longer you live, the more damage your body racks up. Eventually the humans machine becomes so bogged down with glitches that it can no longer repair itself properly. Likely, a combination of these theories can explain the again process. Our life span is also affected by many factors outside our bodies. How we eat, where we live -- even wetter we marry -- can influence our body's expiration date.

Who was the oldest human in the world ?
A French woman named Janne Calment lives 122years and 164 days in 1997 according to the Guinness world record.
She credited her routine snacking on chocolate for her amazing life span. Meanwhile, a Bolivian man named Carmelo Flores Laura may have surpassed Calmant's record. Goverment document show that Flores was born in 1890. Which would make him older than Calment when she passed away. Flores didn't have his original birth certificate though, casting doubt on his actual age, though casting doubt on his true age, he died in 2014.

When men get older ,why they get wrinkles ?
Once you reach adulthood,your skim stops growing. It loses its elasticity, taking a little longer to spring back into shape when you laugh or furrows your brow. Wrinkles from as your akin starts to sag in old age. A lifetime of smiling leaves wrinkles alongside your eyes, "crow's feet "

Why do I get ZITS??

Your body is covered with millions of hair follicles that pump out protective oils, but it takes just one clog to create a dreaded blemish, Bacteria ,dead skin, oil and white blood cells that gave their lives  fighting inflection combine into a repulsive white put that erupts when you give the pimple a squeeze which you should never do, unless you want to memorialize that zit with a scar.

Why do I sweat when I get hot or when I exercise ?? 
Sweat is secreted from glands in your skin to cool your body and flush away waste. It's nature's air conditioning .

Why does my sweat stink? ?
Sweat doesn't smell like anything until it's tainted by microorganisms living on your body. Your sweatier parts-- your armpits and feet -- offer a banquet for bacteria ,which produces stinky micro poop. Hence, B.O.--- pee-yew!

Why do I get bad breath? ?
Blame the bacteria in your mouth, they made a midnight snack of the leftover stuck on your teeth and between your gums, draising a royal stink their secretions.

Why do cuts scab up?? 
The instant you suffer a scrape, cells in your blood rush to the wound and seal it. Eventually, this clot dries and hardens into a crusty protective scab. Resist the urge to pick it. 

Why do I TOOT??

There is no need to be talk into code because everyone passes gas. Most of your body's foul fog is pumped out by the billions of bacteria that lives in your large intestine, aka your body's flatulence factory. These microorganisms excrete stinky gas as they help break down the food you eat. They cat all the cheese: you take all the blame.

How often do people pass gas?? 
Between 13 and 21 times a day. You can up your flatulence frequency by munching on more time wheat products, vegetables ,and of course beans.

Why do some toots of phwoot??
Flatulence fluctuates in volume -- from nearly silent squeaks to seat quaking explosions -- depending on how much air you force through your body's wind instrument: a puckering muscle at the end of your intestine called the anal sphincter.

Why do some toots make everyone around you go pee-yew ?? 
Why do you expect from air shared from your derriere?  Although 99 precent of your flatulence is made of odorless gases, the remaining one percent can put tears in the eyes of passersby. Food munching bacteria in your guts produce skatole, the source of poop's particular odor  and sulfide that give toots that rotten egg aroma.

Is it possible to trigger a toot? ?
Sure, if you are a "flatulist"- a type of entertainer who can pass gas on command. The most famous professional tooter was Joseph Pujol ,a 19th century French "fratromanic" who entertained royalty with his gas summoning abilities. He could imitate thunderstorm and even play the flute with his "wind instrument ".

Why do I burp?? 
You gulp a bit of air into your stomach every time you eat, drink, talk, chew, etc. When your belly balloons to its maximum capacity, it releases the bubbles back up your food tube and out your mouth and nose. The result : Brraaappp! My what a loud upper esophageal sphincter you have!  That's is the flexible flap at the tip of your food tube that vibrates as it releases swallowed air from your stomach.

How often do people burp?? 
Between 25 and 30 each day. More if they bubbly beverages such as soda.

But why don't burps stink like gas passed from your other end?? 
Burps get only the budget tour of your digestive system, dipping no deeper than your stomach, so they are mostly nothing but hot air. As a result  ,belches typically emerge from your mouth fragrance free.-- unless you have a eaten a spicy meal. What better way to let everyone know you had leftover pepperoni pizza for breakfast??

Why do I get the hiccups? ?
Hiccups happen when your diaphragm -- a sheet like muscle at the bottom of your chest that helps you sick air into your lungs -- goes a little haywire, usually after eating too much or too quickly or when you get nervous. The diaphragm spasms, jerking air into your throat to make the Familier hic-up sound.

Why does my belly Growl when I get hungry??

Actually when we are not hungry, as food is moved through the digestive process. It's just that the rumble is louder when your belly's empty and not muffed by pizza crusts and burger bites.

Why does my mouth water when I smell dinner? ?
Because our body is gearing up for digestion ,the process that convert food into energy ( and into some yucky stuff too. But we will get to that in a bit). Glands in mouth Socrates a watery substance called saliva which contains Chemicals that help melt chewed food into slimy gobs of mush. Each called a bolus, for easier swallowing.  Your tongue heard every bolus to the Back of your throat and drops it into esophagus, a pipe that squeeze everything you eat into your stomach.

Why can I swallow food even when I am hanging upside down???? 
When it comes to your digestive system, what goes down usually not come up. Muscles in your food pipe and stomach push everything you eat on its next destination in the digestive system.

How does my body digest food??? 
The process of digestion that started in your mouth continuous I'm your stomach. This expandable organs is lined with mighty muscle that pummel your food. A sea of gastric juices, meanwhile, dissolve your dinner into a thick paste called chyme, which dribbles slowly to its next port of call, the small intestine, where the bulk of digestion takes place. This 20-feet tube coils through your abdomen and teams with other organs to absorb nutrients from everything you eat. It's followed by the large intestine from everything you eat. It's followed by the large intestine, which sops up chyme's excess water and minerals.

Where does number 2 fit into this process?? 
When enough processed digested food reaches your rectum-- the lunch chamber of the digestive system -- you start to get that pressing feeling quick, grab a good book and find your self a toilet!

What's in number two? ?
By the time that burger and fries you ate yesterday reaches the end of the large intestine .It's officially poop-in-waiting, a dry mass of indigestible fiber and dead bacteria, which is source of excrement's eye watering odor. Your poo is colored brown from waste Iron and dead blood cells in your intestines.

Why do I have to go number one? ?
All the dead stuff collected by your kidneys, along with any excess fluid, drain into a stretchy pouch called bladder. As the bladder fills, it balloon in size until it reaches capacity -- about a pint of flour that is 473 ml. A full bladder send your brain into yellow alert and your legs scrambling for the nearest bathroom.

What's in number one?? 
Urine is made of water, urea, A waste products also found in sweat, salts, and other waste chemicals. A digestion aiding chemical called bile gives pee it's lightly yellow color, which becomes darker if you are thirsty.

Why do I need to eat??

Because our body is a high performance machine ,and like any machine, it needs gas to go. That fuel comes in the form of nutrients -vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates and fat. In our body turns carbohydrates into energy and proteins into building blocks to help you grow taller, builds muscle, prevent illness, and have healthy hair, teeth and skin. As you would expect, healthy foods make the best fuel. Eat nothing but junk food and you will ruin your engine. 

How long could I go without eating?? 
That depends on many factors, are you healthy?  Skinny?  Will you need to struggle until your next meal or just lase under a palm tree? People have survived more than 10 weeks without food. But they had water and didn't need to move around too much. Starvation takes a horrible toll on the body. However causing awful symptoms. And that's not even counting the pain. Ever forget to pack a lunch?  Pangs of starvation are a hundred times worse than those of hunger.

Why it is so hard to eat just one potato chip??
It's not the potato in the chip that drives your taste buds wild--its the chips salty flavor. Your body craves salt because it needs it to survive. (salt help you tissue stay hydrated and serves other vital functions)
Too much of a good thing can be bad. However consuming too much salt can lead to heart disease and other health risks.

Why does junk food taste better than healthy food? ?
Salt isn't the only substance your body craves. The human tongue prefer sweet, salty and fatty flavors to the more subtle taste of veggie, whole grain beans and other good for you  foods. Sweet fruit and fatty meats pick a lot of energy, which was essential to our ancestors 

Why do I SNEEZE????

Due to sometimes dust, flakes of dead skin, pollution, microbes, or own booger buildup from a cold their way into your nose's air passages. When mucous memberance in the living of your nose detected these intruders they send an urgent message to your brain : unleash a sneeze!

How do I sneeze? ?
You don't have to do anything sneezing is a lightning fast involuntary reaction, In which your chest stomach, throat and face muscle work togethet to blast particles from your nasal passages. The whole process lasts less than three seconds, and it propels spit, boogers, chewed food and other particles from your nose and mouth at nearly 100 miles per hour or 161 kph.

Why would not my eyeballs launch from my head if I didn't close them when I sneezed???
Fear not!  Right before you unleash a sneeze, your brain automatically signals your eyes to shut tight. You have no control over the process and your blinkers stay firmly in place.

Why do I upchuck when I get sick?? 
If you catch a stomach flu, swallow food spoiled by bacteria, or simply pig out until your body rebels. Your stomach will kick into reverse to eject whatever causing the trouble. Your guts churn, your head spins, and your throat begins to burn. Before you know it, blaaargh! You have launched your lunch!  Clammy skins, waves of uneasiness, and a queasy feeling known as nausea usually preced puking ,giving you a head upto hang your head over the toilet. Motion sickness -  a condition brought on by winding roads, rocking boats, or back-to-back rides on the tilt-a-whirl -   can lead or hurling too.

Why does throw up burn my throat??
Your stomach contains powerful acids that help break down food, and some of this sour tasting gastric juice gets pumped up and away when you puke. Although a wave of split and mucus helps protect your throat and mouth when you vomit, you ll still feel the burn, particularly forceful barfing sessions will propel puke into your sinuses and our your nose, producing an eye-watering sting. Nasty!

Where do boogers come from?? 
Snot it sticky for a reason--ut collects all the crud that gets up your nose. Once snot reaches the nostrils, it dries into crumbly little boogers for easy disposal. Polite people below them into tissues: everyone else engeges in rhinotillexis, the technical term for nose picking. 

Types of Germs and benefit of it.

Fungi are microscopic models, yeasts ,and other plant like pathogens thrive in wet, warm places like our armpits, our belly buttons and the dank spaces between our toes. They feed on our sweat and dead tissus and produce stinky waste that irritate our skin.

This ghastly germ germ includes itty-bitty insects larvae, amoebas, and one-celled or as I am called protozoa that live in nasty food damp soil, or dump water. Parasites depend on a living host for their survival. They sneak into our bodies in tainted water and food., causing us all sorts of gastrointestial gripes: diarrhea, vomiting, upset stomach and worse, malaria -- a common disease that causes chills, shaking and fevers -- is spread by a parasite passed in mosquito bites. These life ducking relationship are often the stuff of nightmares .

Unlike viruses,  bacteria are living single called organisms that can reproduce both outside and inside the body. Like all living things, bacteria create waste -- microscopic poops that can act as a poison inside the host. You can blame sore throats, ear infection, and tooth- lartar  buildup on bacteria. One of the most famous bacteria is Eschericia coli. This rod shaped micron lives deep in your intestines, the body's busiest bacterial neighborhood. Harmful ones make you puke for days. Helpful E coli strains produce an important vitamins. That right - some bacteria are actually good for you!

Benefits .. .

1. Health boosting 
Your body's microbe support your immune system which fight sickness.

2. Plant feeding 
Blue green algae and other types of bacteria convert the nitrogen in the air into compound plants can use.

3. Food processing 
Microbes in our innards play a huge role in the digestive process, helping us absorbs nutrients and vitamins from our food.

4. Food making
Bacteria are a vital ingredients in the process of turning milk into yogurt and tasty cheeses. The holes in Swiss cheese are created by carbon dioxide bubbles exhaled by bacteria during the chess making process.

5. Planet cleaning 
Bacteria break down dead animals and plants which "decompose" into nutrients for the living. 

What are GERMS????

Germs encompasses an army of tiny terrors including fungi, viruses, parasites and bacteria. These "pathogens" all have the ability to spread from victim to victim. Germs are so small you can see the only through a microscope. They look like spiky blobs, oozing spirals, hairy hot dogs or other microscopic monsters. 

Why are germs are bad for us? ?
This microorganisms hitch a ride into our bodies on the food we eat, in the air we we breathe, or through a variety of other methods. Once they have invaded our personal spaces, germs reproduce and create toxic waste, which triggers our body's most repulsive reaction. They make us sniffle, upchuck ,run to the toilet, break out in rashes and fevers, and suffer even more unpleasant symptoms.

How do we get sick from viruses? ?

Most viruses are frail little thinks that can multiply only inside a living host. There they spread overwhelming and attacking the hosts immune system and causing all sorts of nasty symptoms. Colds, fly's, chickenpox, immune disorders, and measles are caused by viruses. Among the worst is EBOLA,  which triggers bleeding and is fatal to more than half the people who catch it. 

How many bacteria inside our body right now??? 
Our body is built of trillion of tinny-bitty living bloods, called cells, that work together to make you. But for every cell you call your own, ten foreign bacteria clusters around or near it. Your a microbe metapollis. Scientists call these communities of foreign bacteria your body's "flora" and no two people hosts the same mix of microorganisms. In fact, scientists are begging to think of your Flora as just another organ. 

Why do I get dizzy when I spin???

Your ears do more than just hear your brother's burps and act as earring supports.

They contain special organs that help you detect your motion, tell up from down, and keep you from tumbling when you trip. Whenever you move or tilt your head, fluid moving through canals in your inner ear interact with tiny hair along the canal walls, telling your brain that you are in motion. When you spin I'm circle, the fluid spins right along with you. Stop and the fluid keeps spinning, sloshing against the hairs and making your brain think you're still spinning -- which causes the feeling of dizziness .

Why do my ears pop on a plane( or when I am riding up a mountain)? ??

Plan cabins are pumped with air to simulate altitudes of around 7000 feet rather than sea level, and it takes 20 minute or so far on a plane to reach its cruising altitudes and interior pressure settings. That means passenger typically experience a gradual decrease in air pressure at the beginning of a flight and a gradual increase at the end, provides the destination airport is lower than 7000 feet. That gradual change in pressure is simillar to what you feel when cruising up or down mountain road or riding up or down a tall buildings in a fast elevator.
Behind your eardrums are small air-filled chambers that connected to your throat trough tiny tubes. When the air pressure outside your eardrums changes, air moves through the tiny tubes or equalize the pressure inside your head. That movement of air create a popping sensation. Some times if you have a cold or allergies gumming up your noggins empty spaces, your ears won't equalize quickly enough, causing louder pops and bursts of pin as air pressure  against your eardrums.

Why do my ears hurt when I  drive underwater? ?
For the same reason that your ears might ache when you take off in a plane: The pressure outside your ear is greater than the air pressure against inside your ear, causing your eardrums to bend painfully inward .Changes in water pressure happen much more rapidly than changes in air pressure, However, and your ears will begin to ache in as little as 5 feet of water.

How can I stop my ears from popping when I m flying or underwater diving??? ?
1. Chewing gum during take off and landing on a plane helps equalize your ears during the periods where the pressure changes the most rapidly.
2. If you don't have any gum, try moving your jaw Back and forth, sniffing rapidly or, yawning.
3. Some people can clear their ears underwater by moving their jaws.

Why is earth special???

Our planet known as earth is very special and it has a special spot in solar system. There are so many reasons - -Sprawling continents -B...