Why do I SNEEZE????

Due to sometimes dust, flakes of dead skin, pollution, microbes, or own booger buildup from a cold their way into your nose's air passages. When mucous memberance in the living of your nose detected these intruders they send an urgent message to your brain : unleash a sneeze!

How do I sneeze? ?
You don't have to do anything sneezing is a lightning fast involuntary reaction, In which your chest stomach, throat and face muscle work togethet to blast particles from your nasal passages. The whole process lasts less than three seconds, and it propels spit, boogers, chewed food and other particles from your nose and mouth at nearly 100 miles per hour or 161 kph.

Why would not my eyeballs launch from my head if I didn't close them when I sneezed???
Fear not!  Right before you unleash a sneeze, your brain automatically signals your eyes to shut tight. You have no control over the process and your blinkers stay firmly in place.

Why do I upchuck when I get sick?? 
If you catch a stomach flu, swallow food spoiled by bacteria, or simply pig out until your body rebels. Your stomach will kick into reverse to eject whatever causing the trouble. Your guts churn, your head spins, and your throat begins to burn. Before you know it, blaaargh! You have launched your lunch!  Clammy skins, waves of uneasiness, and a queasy feeling known as nausea usually preced puking ,giving you a head upto hang your head over the toilet. Motion sickness -  a condition brought on by winding roads, rocking boats, or back-to-back rides on the tilt-a-whirl -   can lead or hurling too.

Why does throw up burn my throat??
Your stomach contains powerful acids that help break down food, and some of this sour tasting gastric juice gets pumped up and away when you puke. Although a wave of split and mucus helps protect your throat and mouth when you vomit, you ll still feel the burn, particularly forceful barfing sessions will propel puke into your sinuses and our your nose, producing an eye-watering sting. Nasty!

Where do boogers come from?? 
Snot it sticky for a reason--ut collects all the crud that gets up your nose. Once snot reaches the nostrils, it dries into crumbly little boogers for easy disposal. Polite people below them into tissues: everyone else engeges in rhinotillexis, the technical term for nose picking. 

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