Why do I get ZITS??

Your body is covered with millions of hair follicles that pump out protective oils, but it takes just one clog to create a dreaded blemish, Bacteria ,dead skin, oil and white blood cells that gave their lives  fighting inflection combine into a repulsive white put that erupts when you give the pimple a squeeze which you should never do, unless you want to memorialize that zit with a scar.

Why do I sweat when I get hot or when I exercise ?? 
Sweat is secreted from glands in your skin to cool your body and flush away waste. It's nature's air conditioning .

Why does my sweat stink? ?
Sweat doesn't smell like anything until it's tainted by microorganisms living on your body. Your sweatier parts-- your armpits and feet -- offer a banquet for bacteria ,which produces stinky micro poop. Hence, B.O.--- pee-yew!

Why do I get bad breath? ?
Blame the bacteria in your mouth, they made a midnight snack of the leftover stuck on your teeth and between your gums, draising a royal stink their secretions.

Why do cuts scab up?? 
The instant you suffer a scrape, cells in your blood rush to the wound and seal it. Eventually, this clot dries and hardens into a crusty protective scab. Resist the urge to pick it. 

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