Ophthalmology Case Study

Mr. Bass is a 42-year-old white male who came in with chest pain.  He states occurred approximately 5 p.m. yesterday.  He had associated shortness of breath.  He described the chest discomfort as a pressure-like sensation in his left chest radiating to his left upper arm.  It has been intermittent with sharp pain and it has associated shortness of breath and diaphoresis.  He was here a couple of weeks ago for shortness of breath after an exertional episode.  The patient is a policeman and he was chasing someone.  He could not get his breath back.  He was evaluated and had respiratory treatments and states he felt better.  He has no documented history of coronary disease.  He has had foreign travel within the last 6 months.


1.            Zestril 20 a day.
2.            Protonix 40 a day.
3.            Advair inhaler.
4.            Celexa 40 a day. 

None known.  

Patient does not drink or smoke.  He does not take drugs.  He is married and lives locally, works with the police department.   

Mother had coronary disease and bypass at age 48.  

GENERAL:  No fever, chills, weight loss, syncope.Positive for episodes of dizziness.  EYES: No vision changes.  ENT: No hearing changes, dysphasia.  CARDIOVASCULAR:  Positive for chest pain and shortness of breath as described.  No palpitations, PND, pedal edema.  He does have diaphoresis.  RESPIRATORY:  No sputum, cough, hemoptysis, wheezing.  He did have an episode of shortness of breath a couple of weeks ago as well.  GU: No nocturia, polyuria, frequency.  GI:  No nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, hematochezia, hematemesis.  MUSCULOSKELETAL: No arthralgias, myalgias.  SKIN:  No cyanosis, rash, ulceration.  PSYCHIATRIC: No depression, anxiety.  NEURO: No weakness, TIA, seizures, headaches.  ENDO:  No thyroid disease.  IMMUNOLOGIC: No infectious disease, night sweats.  HEMATOLOGIC:  No bruising or bleeding.  All other review of systems remained negative.  

VITAL SIGNS:  Blood pressure 132/84, heart rate 86, respirations 20, weight 230.  HEAD, EARS, EYES, NOSE, AND THROAT:  Pupils equal, round, reactive to light and accommodation.  Mucous membranes pink and moist.  NECK:  Supple without masses.  Jugular venous pressure appears normal.  Carotid upstroke is brisk without bruit.  HEART:  Rhythm is regular.  S1, S2 are normal.  There are no murmurs, gallops, rubs noted.  LUNGS:  Clear to auscultation bilaterally.  No wheezing, rhonchi, or rales.  ABDOMEN: Soft, nontender.  Bowel sounds present in all quadrants.  EXTREMITIES:  Show no clubbing, cyanosis, edema.  Peripheral pulses intact.  NEURO:  Intact.  

CT of the chest was normal.  D-dimer 134; CK 124, 94; MB 1.3, 1.1, cTnI 0.04, 0.02.  Sodium 138, potassium 3.7, chloride 106, bicarb 28, BUN and creatinine 17 and 1.4, glucose 99.  WBC 6.9, H and H 16.1 and 46.5, platelets 171.  

EKG: Sinus rhythm with ventricular rate 96, no other acute ST and T-wave changes noted.  

1.            Chest pain.  Enzymes negative for 2 sets.  D-dimer negative.  Chest CT normal. 
2.            Hypertension. 
3.            Strong family history of coronary disease. 
4.            Foreign travel within 6 months. 

Cardiolite GXT in the a.m.Get serial enzymes and lipid profile.

Dr. Buckley, who saw, evaluated, and formulated the plan on this patient.

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