New Medical Case Studies - Ophthalmology Case Study

Patient is a 68-year-old female who last night said at about 6 o'clock, she felt like she had to go to bathroom and she just passed bright red blood, really was not a  lot of stool at all, just blood, but she did another 16 times throughout the night; her husband counted.  She said it was always red and was just blood.  They called the office in the morning because they worried about Feldene she was placed on for arthritis, that might be causing this, but with that many times of blood, we recommended to come to the ER.  She denies any fever, but when she is passing the blood, she is having lower abdominal pain and/or cramps.  She states it is kind of the same.  She has never had anything like this before.  She states she has not had a colonoscopy before.

She is allergic to the STATIN drugs.  She had a myositis from that, and that is one reason she is on the Feldene.


1.            Zetia 10 milligrams a day.
2.            Feldene 20 milligrams a day.
3.            Amoxil 500 t.i.d., which was started 5 days ago for a sinus infection.
4.            She is also on Evista 60 milligrams a day.

Dr. Hunt is her GYN.  She has really been healthy most of her life except for hyperlipidemia that she developed.  She has allergy problems and takes Flonase and Claritin on a p.r.n. basis.

Her mother died in her 80s in her sleep in Vietnam.  Her dad died of diarrhea at a young age in Vietnam of complication with diarrhea, but she said they did not have much medicine back then.

She does not smoke.  She does not drink.  She has been married for 30 years.

GENERAL:  When I see the patient, she is in bed, getting blood drawn, said she feels a lot better.
ENT EXAM:  Her sclerae really are pink.  They do not really look that pale.  Her oropharynx is a little bit dry.  Her TMs are clear.  Nasal passage revealed no blood.
NECK:  Supple.  There is no lymphadenopathy.
CHEST:  She has bilateral breath sounds, which are clear.
CARDIAC EXAM:  Revealed a regular rate and rhythm without ectopy.
ABDOMEN:  Soft.  She is a little tender to push on her lower abdomen, but there is really no point tenderness.
RECTAL EXAM:  Did not do a rectal since it was done in the ER, and she was guaiac positive.
NEUROLOGIC EXAM:  She is alert and oriented x4.  She can move all 4 extremities and said she had no problem walking over here.

Obtained in the ER includes a CBC with a white count of 22.5, hemoglobin of 14.1, hematocrit of 42.1.  This was repeated further in the day and her white count was then 18.3, H and H 13.5 and 40, but she still has a left shift with 91 segs, 3 bands.  Stool was positive for blood, and they said it was bloody stool.  PT and PTT are normal, plus her nonfasting sugar is 169.  Her potassium is 3.7, chloride was 98.  She has never had a problem with diabetes and it has been checked recently because her husband is diabetic.  Ultrasound of her abdomen was evidently normal per ER report and her CT scan showed some inflammation or thickening of the colon that was described per ER physician and radiology.  I do not have official report back at this time, but they did not see any masses.  Dr. Meichner has been consulted.

1.            Lower gastrointestinal bleed, etiology could include ischemic colitis, diverticulitis.  I am going to get stool for Clostridium difficile as she took Amoxil 5 days, albeit low dose, but still she took it.
2.            Leukocytosis.  Dr. Meichner shortly put her on IV Levaquin and Flagyl.
3.            Lower abdominal pain because of lower gastrointestinal bleed.
4.            Hyperlipidemia.  We will hold her Zetia.
5.            Hormonal insufficiency.  Hold her Evista at this time.
6.            Allergies, not a problem at this time.

We will get a C. diff.  Tylenol as needed.  Dr. Meichner has already scheduled for colonoscopy in the morning, which is probably going to be our proof.  We will get the stool for C. diff.  Continue the IV antibiotics.  Fluids, are going to hydrate, because she is going to have to do the GoLYTELY.  Follow electrolytes closely.

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