Orthopedics Case Studies

Dear Dr. (blank),

I saw Mrs. (blank) in followup today following recent right total hip arthroplasty.  As you will recall, this elderly lady had presented with avascular necrosis complicating steroid administration for Sjogren disease, and the treatment for this proved necessarily surgical.  She underwent an AML (anatomic medullary locking) medial modified long-stem total hip arthroplasty with acetabular cementing because of the arthritic osteoporotic cavity defects in the acetabulum.  She participated well in her postoperative recovery program, hospital duration
9 days.

She returns now, 20 days later, approximately 1 month postoperatively, and demonstrates a healed wound and an excellent range of motion on testing.  We are going to discontinue abduction pillow at this time and progress from walker to crutch ambulation, allowing 50% weightbearing on the affected leg.  She is scheduled to return here in 4 weeks’ time for x-ray and further followup.

Sincerely yours,


Line 13.  Re was not dictated but was added to demonstrate proper letter format.
Lines 21, 22.  AML (anatomic medullary locking).

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