Gastroenterology case study

I was embarrassed to find out that through a clerical slipup, this consultation note was not dictated promptly as it should have been.  Please accept my apology.

I personally reviewed the air contrast barium enema.  The radiologist’s impression was that there was a soft tissue mass in the terminal ileum.  My impression was that this could possibly be a Meckel, although this would be very unusual.  This is probably lymphoid hyperplasia and is unimpressive.

My impression is irritable bowel syndrome and possibly a Meckel diverticulum.  Therapeutically I suggested he go on a high-fiber diet, and our nursing staff talked to him extensively about the use of bran.  He was given 3 Hemoccult test cards and these were returned, and all 3 were negative.

Unless symptoms recur, I do not believe a further invasive workup is necessary at this time.

Thank you very much for referring me this patient, and again I apologize for the delay in sending you this note.



Line 13.  Re was not dictated but was added to demonstrate proper letter format.

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