Dear Al,
This 21-year-old lady stated that she has been having some problems with a “swollen gland on the right side”. She had seen you about a week and a half ago, and you had ruled out the presence of a stone within the salivary gland. She states the swelling “tends to go up and down”.
Her general health is described as good, but she does have asthma. She is presently taking Motrin, Marax, and an inhaler.
Physical examination reveals ear canals are clear. Tympanic membranes normal. Nasal airway adequate, no discharge. Throat reveals normal mucous membrane. No postnasal drainage. Her right submandibular gland is slightly enlarged but soft and nontender.
Under the operating microscope, I was able to dilate Wharton duct on the right, and after dilatation the gland resumed its normal size. There was no evidence of purulent discharge or calculi. Hopefully, this will do the trick.
I explained to her that we can only treat this either symptomatically or excise the gland, and I suggested that symptomatic treatment for a while is indicated.
Thank you for the referral. If I can be of any further assistance, please let me know.
Best regards,
Line 13. Re was not dictated but was added to demonstrate proper letter format.
Line 39. Alternative: Awhile.
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