Dermatology case Study


This patient presents on the above date with a laceration to his left hand at the interdigital web space between the first and second digits on the left hand.  It was infiltrated with
1% Xylocaine and cleansed with Betadine on a cotton tip, explored for foreign bodies, none of which were found.  Sensory and vascular status and motor status were within normal limits.  Surgical repair was performed using 4-0 Ethilon x4.  Excellent cosmetic and functional results are anticipated.

A 1-cm laceration to the left hand with surgical repair.

Line 9.  Digit was changed to digits for plural agreement.
Line 12.  Was was changed to were for subject-verb agreement (status ... and status ... were).
Line 17.  The article A was added to avoid beginning the sentence with a numeral.

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